Back-to-School time can be stressful for every family member-including a family with a dog. Follow these tips to get a dog accustomed to the new routine and avoid bad behaviors.
With everyone gone to school or work all day, dogs left alone can become stressed, resulting in destructive behaviors and endless barking.
- Pay less attention to your dog- A week before school starts, ignore your dog for increasing amounts of time each day so he gets used to not being the center of attention.
- Start early – Several weeks before school begins, get your dog comfortable with being alone by separating him from the family. If you often take your dog along with you to run errands, leave him at home.
- Practice leaving the house – Gather your gear, exit the door, then come right back in again. The dog will soon stop associating the routine of you leaving with your departure and will be more relaxed when you actually leave.
- Be calm and assured- When leaving the house, you inadvertently confuse the dog if you say sweetly, “It’s OK Buster, we’ll be home soon”. If he is feeling concerned about you leaving, your happy, high-pitched voice tone can make him think its OK to feel anxious. As pack animals dogs expect their leaders to be strong when they leave the pack. Therefore ignore your dog for about ten minutes before you leave.